Curriculum Vitae

I am a software engineer with an interest in PostgreSQL (particularly the query planner), the Rust programming language, and geopolitics as a hobby.

A shorter version of this résumé is available in PDF format here.

Professional experience

Tech lead
2020 - now

Tech lead and software developer, tasked with the maintenance, modernization and development of one of Xeneta's products, with a focus on setting the medium term technical direction of the product.

Main technologies used:

  • Python: Flask, Pandas, Seaborn, Pytest
  • SQL: PostgreSQL
  • AWS: Lambda, Batch, ECS, RDS, ... orchestrated with Terraform
  • Docker and docker-compose
  • CI/CD: Gitlab CI, Github Actions


  • 2020-2022: mid-level software engineer, in a product team
  • 2023 - mid-2023: senior software engineer, in the data science team
  • mid-2023 onward: tech lead
Oslo, Norway 🇳🇴
Ph.D. in Computer Science (unfinished)
Laboratoire Informatique de Grenoble
2016 - 2020

Research on query optimization in DBMSs, specifically on the cardinality estimation component.

The idea is to gather statistics during query execution, to detect predicates or combinations of predicates that induce large cardinality estimation errors, and, when possible, adjust future estimates, to get more reliable cost estimates for query execution plans.

Experiments were made with PostgreSQL, as a C extension and a patch for features that were not doable as an extension, along with some Python scripts and Rust programs.

The Ph.D. could not be finished due to unforeseen circumstances that delayed the project enough to run out of funding.

Grenoble, France 🇫🇷
Research internship in machine learning
National Institute of Informatics of Japan

6-months research internship in artificial intelligence, deep learning, data mining

Analysis of the behaviour of drivers to automatically generate driving rules to be followed by autonomous vehicles, using dimensionality reduction (stacked denoising autoencoders) and cluster analysis (k-means).

Tokyo, Japan 🇯🇵
Google Summer of Code with a PostgreSQL library
Google Summer of Code
Summer 2014

The Google Summer of Code is a program led by Google, which consists in paying students to work on Open Source projects.

During this project, I implemented the k-medoids algorithm in MADlib, a machine-learning library for PostgreSQL.

Intern software developer
Summer 2012

Development of a KPI generation application for an aircraft quality service

During this internship, I developped an application for the team in charge of the Configuration Control of the A330 aircraft. The purpose of this team is to produce the Aircraft Inspection Report (AIR) of the planes from the factory, which are documents describing in great detail all the components and all the modifications made on a plane.

The goal of this internship was to figure out the Key Performance Indicators of the team, and to generate them automatically. All the computers of the team using Windows, I developed an Access application to populate, store and process the data, and this application generates Excel charts.

I also proposed a data model coherent with their activity; before my internship, the data was input by everyone in a different way, not normalised, or some fields were left blank. The data model I provided, as well as the application exploiting it, allowed them to solve these three problems.

Toulouse, France 🇫🇷
Summer jobs
2009 - 2013

I have worked at a number of summer jobs which had me execute various tasks, among them:

  • farm work
  • apprentice mechanic at a construction machine fixing company
  • line work in a cannery
  • garbage collection
  • loading and unloading of trucks
  • house construction (drywall, electricity, wooden flooring, tiling)
  • design, prototyping and realization of a metal and bamboo staircase
Bergerac, France 🇫🇷


Master's degree in Computer Science
2012 - 2015

French engineering degree in Computer Science, in a grande école (engineering school).

I did one exchange semester in Tomsk Polytechnic University, and an internship at the National Institute of Informatics of Japan.

Toulouse, France 🇫🇷 — Tomsk, Russia 🇷🇺 — Tokyo, Japan 🇯🇵
Computer Science HND
IUT Informatique de Bordeaux
2010 - 2012

2-year computer science degree with a focus on practical courses

Bordeaux, France 🇫🇷


You can also take a look at my Github profile.

Programming languages

Infrastructure and Operations

